IALM: Empowering Future Professionals Through Top-Notch Training

In the competitive realm of professional education, the Institute for Advanced Learning and Management (IALM) shines as a beacon of quality, offering unparalleled training experiences for students and aspiring professionals. Central to IALM's ethos is its steadfast commitment to providing top-tier training, facilitated by a handpicked team of disti

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Empowering SCST Entrepreneurs: The Mission of ACTIV

In the tapestry of India's diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem, ACTIV (Adidravidar Confederation of Trade and Industrial Vision) emerges as a beacon of hope and opportunity for SCST (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) entrepreneurs. As a non-governmental, non-profit organization, ACTIV is dedicated to fostering economic empowerment and inclusivit

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